My little boy LOVES his fingers.  He found them quite a while ago but it's turned into an obsession.  A large portion of his content life is lived with some or all of his fingers in his mouth.  It's cute.  We've tried to replace them with a binki which he enjoys at times but he always prefers his fingers way more!  He never gives his 'what are you trying to put into my mouth, it's disgusting' face with his fingers like he does with the binki so we just allow it.  It certainly keeps me on my toes though with keeping his hands clean!

Sometimes it's not just one hand either!  He tries with all his might to get both hands in his mouth!  He's gotten hilariously close too!

And this is what I'm talking about with ALL fingers!  HA!  Makes me laugh!

And yesterday when he was in his swing he was working SO hard to reach out and touch the plastic fish that hangs above the swing...he hit it a few times!  He got a little frustrated and then stuck these two fingers in his mouth and fell asleep. Oh man is he cute or what.  I love this little guy so much.  


  1. No need to worry about the finger sucking. Kennedy started sucking her thumb at three months as still does....mostly when she is tired and has her blanker but I am sure he will outgrow it...but I have always loved it because it is so sticking cute!


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