I made the mistake the other day of turning on Christmas music while on my way to work.  I did this because we woke up to a little bit of winter wonderland and I couldn't help myself!  But now that the snow is gone and I'm realizing that it's not even Thanksgiving yet, I probably made a mistake.  But WHO CARES!  I would personally like to know who made up the rule that you can't listen to Christmas music until after Thanksgiving!  I mean I can understand that listening to it in July could cause a problem but around this time of year if you just start to feel it in your bones why ignore it just because someone said you shouldn't!  Ah, okay I vented.  Now I'll just sit back and listen to my Christmas music.  :)  Hope you enjoy too!  If you're 'one of those' people I apologize.  I say to you, "Where is your Christmas Spirit!?"  It has no bounds! :) 

I also wanted to post some more pics of our wonderful meals as of late.  And no my husband doesn't always make each plate looks this beautiful.  Just most the time. :)  He's amazing though...seriously, look at these! And it was all so yummy!

What you see is Cajun/Nutmeg shrimp around a bed of caramelized onions, rice and black beans.  Topped with avocados and some of our fresh cilantro and lime mint.
Sea Scallops cooked with butter, garlic with sour cream homemade potatoes and asparagus. Topped with lemon basil. MMMmmmm

This is what my love cooked for breakfast this morning.  His amazing waffle recipe topped with fresh strawberries and homemade whip cream!  Ya baby!
Now this part is my favorite...try not to be disgusted... :)

Yes, what you see is what we ate in just one evening!  A matter of a few hours actually!

We were on a Sour Cream kick so we made dark chocolate sour cream chocolate chip brownies!  I love my life!

That's All Folks!  And may I say......MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!


  1. Roommate! I specifically joined the ward choir yesterday so I'd have an excuse to sing Christmas songs already! I love Christmas and you of course!

  2. LOVE the Christmas music!! And I love you and that you are so happy!! Thanks for sharing


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