I think I can officially say that we're settled...there are only little things here and there that need to be done and some cleaning here and there but we, including Wally (the rabbit) have made this 'home'.  I took some pics and you'll have to excuse the clutter or any mess that you see, I didn't bother cleaning for the pics. :)  I also didn't photograph our room, the bathroom, my parents upstairs domain and the basement.  

We love our backyard.  It is so shady throughout the day but gets plenty of sun as well.  I think Wally is much happier here too. :)  Ben loves Wally.  He gives him loves and kisses...kind of just snuggles into him.

I love my boys.  

Ben is so much fun.  He is growing such a spitball personality.  So loving and independent.  I wonder what is going to happen to his world when this baby comes.  I think it's going to come crashing down around him.  We will do everything we can to make it as easy as possible for him but it will be interesting.  He really is the center of all our attentions and that is about to change drastically.  Boy do I love this little boy.  I wonder how I will be able to love another one the same. 

About to pop!  Any day now!  Probably another week or so. :)  Sooooo ready!!  


  1. Your house is beautiful! And you are such a gorgeous pregnant woman! So glad that your move went well and can't wait to hear how birth #2 goes!


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