I feel like writing. Yet I am not sure what I am going to write about.  Anybody else ever get that urge?  Maybe it's because I have so much I want/need to do and a feeling like I am never going to get it all done, let alone get it down on paper.  But that's where it should start don't you agree? Goals, lists, etc.  On paper.  Otherwise they are just out there in space. Or maybe it's because I just want to hear the clicking of the keyboard. I love that sound.

The last 2 months have been weird.  I have been trying to get my feet under me so to speak from having a second baby.  It's been harder than I thought it would be.  I don't know why or what it is... although I have some ideas.  I keep telling myself that it's just the beginning, just these first few months, that things will get back to normal.....right?  People tell me it's normal...the first few months are a blur.  You kind of just are, you survive and get through.

I think the biggest reason things are hard and weird is because we have no set schedule.  I LOVE schedules.  I think this is why I loved the mission so much. My life was scheduled down to the minute almost.  I got so much done and knew what to expect. It is much much harder to lead a scheduled life with 2 young kids.  Apart from these past two months Ben has had a pretty set schedule and I am really trying to get back to it so he's happier.  He wakes up and has breakfast. About 3-4 hours later he goes down for a nap. Wakes up and we have lunch.  The rest of the day we play (1 snack included) and then dinner, book, bath, singing time and bedtime at 6 ish.  William is finally (knock on wood) starting to work himself into a consistent schedule.  Last night he slept 8 hours, the 2 nights before that he slept 12.  If this keeps up then I am going to be on the road to 'recovery' and I'll be ready to put myself on a schedule so everyone will be happier.  This means scripture study, exercise, meal planning and preparing, play dates for Ben, fun activities for Ben, visiting teaching and much more.  Oh wouldn't that be nice. Do you think it's possible? I still feel like it's a bit out of reach.  But I have to start somewhere.  Which one should I do first?  I think it's a no brainer actually.  Time to dust off that beautiful quad! Any free time I have should be spent in study of the word of God. It can only make things better and help me manage the rest of my time better.  Kind of like if you are broke you should pay your tithing. Duh. Well look at that, I wrote.  My first goal is now a target and I satisfied my clicking sound need.


  1. my kids are 17 months apart. I do not remember anything till McKay was about 3 months old. Seriously. The first 4 months were so hard. So hard. Two babies, with different schedules and different needs. I am pretty sure Kennedy watched too much curious george those first few months. I can safely say that one McKay started walking it became easier in a sense. They could now run and play together, we could go to the park without one screaming the entire time. I love schedules and live by mine on a daily basis, so I totally understand. The one thing I found to be important was giving the older one one on one time when the baby was sleeping. That way when the baby is awake and needs a lot of attention you wont feel as bad about ignoring them because you did give them your undivided attention :)


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